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Seven Champions of Chriſtendom.

C H A P. I.

The birth of St. George; how he was ſtolen away from his nurſes, and how he delivered himſelf, and the other ſix Champions, from the Cave of Kalby, the Enchantreſs.

AFTER that this our iſland (firſt inhabited by Brute) began to flouriſh with arts and arms, in the famous city of Coventry lived the renowned Albert, Lord High Steward of England, that took to wife a lady of matchleſs beauty and virtue, who, having been long barren, at laſt conceived with child, but nightly dreams ſo tormented her mind, that ſhe was conceived of a Dragon which ſhould cauſe her death, that ſhe never ceaſed, but caus'd her lord by art to learn what ſhould be the meaning thereof, who, condeſcending to her deſires, accompanied only with one knight, repaired to Kalby, the lady of the woods, from whom he received this myſterious Oracle:

Sir Knight return home to thy Lady,
Who hath brought forth a worthy baby,
A Champion bold, of courage ſtout,
Whoſe fame shall ring the world throughout.

Having received this anſwer, they ſoon returned, but