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reſolution we will leave them for a while, to relate what happened in the army of the Pagans, who, like graſhoppers overſpreading a country, met in the land of Hungary, in ſuch multitudes that had not God frustrated their intentions, the Chriſtian army had been but a morſel, ſcarce ſufficient for them for one meal; by his invincible power, he confounded them in their own practices; for being about to elect a general, each nation was obſtinate to have their king the perſon, that ſhould command in chief; and ſo eager were they in theſe reſolutions, that from words they fell to blows, which ended at laſt in a moſt dreadful fight againſt each other, till the ground was changed from a verdant green to a purple hue, and each place ſtrewed with the carcaſes of dead bodies. Here you might ſee a head new lopt off from the ſhoulders, with a gaſping mouth, complaining as it were for his ſeparation from the rest of its body: there lay an arm with a hand graſping a ſword, as if it would fight yet in its body's defence. In another place you might behold one who Could run away from danger, but that his legs are ſo tangled in his fellows guts he could not ſtir; here lay the brains of one, there another with his mouth and jaws cut away, ſo that he could not complain of his own misfortunes. In ſine, ſuch horror and deſtruction grows amongſt them, as would make the heart of an enemy to relent. Thoſe that remained, after this bloody encounter, withdrew themſelves into their own countries, curſing the time that ever they undertook ſo unlucky an enterprize, and confeſſing it was vain for them to attempt any thing againſt the Chriſtian's God.

It was not long ere the news of this bloody encounter came to the ears of St. George, and the reſt of the Chriſtian Champions; who having received the intelligence, ſoon raiſed their armies and marched distantly to Barbary, againſt the bloody king of Morocco, to chaſtiſe his treachery committed againſt the moſt renowned Engliſh Champion.