Page:Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election, Volume I, reprocessed June 2020.pdf/61

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U.S. Department of Justice

Attorney Work Product // May Contain Material Protected Under Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)

Micheal Cohen, former executive vice president of the Trump Organization and special counsel to Donald J. Trump,[1] told the Office that he recalled an incident in which he was in candidate Trump's office in Trump Tower Harm to Ongoing Matter 

Harm to Ongoing Matter 
     [3] Cohen further told the Office that, after WikiLeaks's subsequent release of stolen DNC emails in July 2016, candidate Trump said to Cohen something to the effect of, HOM [4]

Harm to Ongoing Matter  According to Gates, Manafort expressed excitement about the release HOM [5] Manafort, for his part, told the Office that, shortly after WikiLeaks's July 22 release, Manafort also spoke with candidate Trump Harm to Ongoing Matter 

 [6] Harm to Ongoing Matter [7] Manafort also HOM  wanted to be kept apprised of any

  1. In November 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty pursuant to a plea agreement to a single-count information charging him with making false statements to Congress, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a) & (c). He had previously pleaded guilty to several other criminal charges brought by the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District of New York, after a referral from this Office. In the months leading up to his false-statements guilty plea, Cohen met with our Office on multiple occasions for interviews and provided information that the Office has generally assessed to be reliable and that is included in this report.
  2. HOM 
  3. Harm to Ongoing Matter 
  4. Cohen 9/18/18 302, at 10. Harm to Ongoing Matter
    Harm to Ongoing Matter  
        Harm to Ongoing Matter 
  5. Gates 10/25/18 302 (serial 241), at 4.
  6. Grand Jury 
  7. Grand Jury