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U.S. Department of Justice

Attorney Work Product // May Contain Material Protected Under Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)

New Economic School (NES) in Moscow.[1] The NES commencement ceremony generally featured high-profile speakers; for example, President Barack Obama delivered a commencement address at the school in 2009.[2] NES officials told the Office that the interest in inviting Page to speak at NES was based entirely on his status as a Trump Campaign advisor who served as the candidate's Russia expert.[3] Andrej Krickovic, an associate of Page's and assistant professor at the Higher School of Economics in Russia, recommended that NES rector Shlomo Weber invite Page to give the commencement address based on his connection to the Trump Campaign.[4] Denis Klimentov, an employee of NES, said that when Russians learned of Page's involvement in the Trump Campaign in March 2016, the excitement was palpable.[5] Weber recalled that in summer 2016 there was substantial interest in the Trump Campaign in Moscow, and he felt that bringing a member of the Campaign to the school would be beneficial.[6]

Page was eager to accept the invitation to speak at NES, and he sought approval from Trump Campaign officials to make the trip to Russia.[7] On May 16, 2016, while that request was still under consideration, Page emailed Clovis, J.D. Gordon, and Walid Phares and suggested that candidate Trump take his place speaking at the commencement ceremony in Moscow.[8] On June 19, 2016, Page followed up again to request approval to speak at the NES event and to reiterate that NES "would love to have Mr. Trump speak at this annual celebration" in Page's place.[9] Campaign manager Corey Lewandowski responded the same day, saying, "If you want to do this, it would be out side [sic] of your role with the DJT for President campaign, I am certain Mr. Trump will not be able to attend."[10]

In early July 2016, Page traveled to Russia for the NES events. On July 5, 2016, Denis Klimentov, copying his brother, Dmitri Klimentov,[11] emailed Maria Zakharova, the Director of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Information and Press Department, about Page's visit and his connection to the Trump Campaign.[12] Denis Klimentov said in the email that he wanted to draw the Russian government's attention to Page's visit in Moscow.[13] His message to Zakharova

  1. Page 3/16/17 302, at 2-3; Page 3/10/17 302, at 3.
  2. S. Weber 7/28/17 302, at 3.
  3. Y. Weber 6/1/17 302, at 4-5; S. Weber 7/28/17 302, at 3.
  4. See Y. Weber 6/1/17 302, at 4; S. Weber 7/28/17 302, at 3.
  5. De, Klimentov 6/9/17 302, at 2.
  6. S. Weber 7/28/17 302, at 3.
  7. See 5/16/16 Email, Page to Phares et al. (referring to submission of a "campaign advisor request form").
  8. Grand Jury; 5/16/16 Email, Page to Phares et al.
  9. 6/19/16 Email, Page to Gordon et al.
  10. 6/19/16 Email, Lewandowski to Page et al.
  11. Dmitri Klimentov is a New York-based public relations consultant.
  12. 7/5/16 Email, Klimentov to Zakharova (translated).
  13. 7/5/16 Email, Klimentov to Zakharova (translated).