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U.S. Department of Justice

Attorney Work Product // May Contain Material Protected Under Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)

"appropriate assistance."[1] Gordon stated that he and the subcommittee co-chair ultimately agreed to replace the language about armed assistance with "appropriate assistance."[2] The subcommittee accordingly approved Denman's amendment but with the term "appropriate assistance,"[3] Gordon stated that, to his recollection, this was the only change sought by the Campaign.[4] Sam Clovis, the Campaign's national co-chair and chief policy advisor, stated he was surprised by the change and did not believe it was in line with Trump's stance.[5] Mashburn stated that when he saw the word "appropriate assistance," he believed that Gordon had violated Mashburn's directive not to intervene.[6]

7. Post-Convention Contacts with Kislyak

Ambassador Kislyak continued his efforts to interact with Campaign officials with responsibility for the foreign-policy portfolio—among them Sessions and Gordon—in the weeks after the Convention. The Office did not identify evidence in those interactions of coordination between the Campaign and the Russian government.

a. Ambassador Kislyak Invites J.D. Gordon to Breakfast at the Ambassador's Residence

On August 3, 2016, an official from the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the United States wrote to Gordon "[o]n behalf of" Ambassador Kislyak inviting Gordon "to have breakfast/tea with the Ambassador at his residence" in Washington, D.C. the following week.[7] Gordon responded five days later to decline the invitation. He wrote, "[t]hese days are not optimal for us, as we are busily knocking down a constant stream of false media stories while also preparing for the first debate with HRC. Hope to take a raincheck for another time when things quiet down a bit. Please pass along my regards to the Ambassador."[8] The investigation did not identify evidence that Gordon made any other arrangements to meet (or met) with Kislyak after this email.

b. Senator Sessions's September 2016 Meeting with Ambassador Kislyak

Also in August 2016, a representative of the Russian Embassy contacted Sessions's Senate office about setting up a meeting with Kislyak.[9] At the time, Sessions was a member of the

  1. Hoff 5/26/17 302, at 2-3; see Denman 12/4/17 302, at 2-3; Gordon 8/29/17 302, at 11,
  2. Gordon 8/29/17 302, at 11; Gordon 9/7/17 302, at 12.
  3. Hoff 5/26/17 302, at 2-3.
  4. Gordon 2/14/19 302, at 6.
  5. Clovis 10/3/17 302, at 10-11,
  6. Mashburn 6/25/18 302, at 4.
  7. DJTFP00004828 (8/3/16 Email, Pchelyakov [embassy@russianembassy org] to Gordon),
  8. DJTFPO0004953 (8/8/16 Email, Gordon to
  9. Luff 1/30/18 302, at 5.