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U.S. Department of Justice

Attorney Work Product // May Contain Material Protected Under Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)

Campaign other than occasional casual discussions about the Campaign with Kushner.[1] After the election, Gerson assisted the transition by arranging meetings for transition officials with former UK prime minister Tony Blair and a UAE delegation led by Crown Prince Mohammed.[2]

When Dmitriev and Gerson met, they principally discussed potential joint ventures between Gerson's hedge fund and RDIF.[3] Dmitriev was interested in improved economic cooperation between the United States and Russia and asked Gerson who he should meet with in the incoming Administration who would be helpful towards this goal.[4] Gerson replied that he would try to figure out the best way to arrange appropriate introductions, but noted that confidentiality would be required because of the sensitivity of holding such meetings before the new Administration took power, and before Cabinet nominees had been confirmed by the Senate.[5] Gerson said he would ask Kushner and Michael Flynn who the "key person or people" were on the topics of reconciliation with Russia, joint security concerns, and economic matters.[6]

Dmitriev told Gerson that he had been tasked by Putin to develop and execute a reconciliation plan between the United States and Russia. He noted in a text message to Gerson that if Russia was "approached with respect and willingness to understand our position, we can have Major Breakthroughs quickly."[7] Gerson and Dmitriev exchanged ideas in December 2016 about what such a reconciliation plan would include.[8] Gerson told the Office that the Transition Team had not asked him to engage in these discussions with Dmitriev, and that he did so on his own initiative and as a private citizen.[9]

On January 9, 2017, the same day he asked Nader whether meeting Prince would be worthwhile, Dmitriev sent his biography to Gerson and asked him if he could "share it with Jared (or somebody else very senior in the team) — so that they know that we are focused from our side on improving the relationship and my boss asked me to play a key role in that."[10] Dmitriev also asked Gerson if he knew Prince, and if Prince was somebody important or worth spending time

  1. Gerson 6/5/18 302, at 1.
  2. Gerson 6/5/18 302, at 1-2; Kushner 4/11/18 302, at 21,
  3. Gerson 6/5/18 302, at 3-4; see, e.g., 12/2/16 Text Messages, Dmitriev & Gerson; 12/14/16 Text Messages, Dmitriev & Gerson; 1/3/17 Text Message, Gerson to Dmitriev; 12/2/16 Email, Tolokonnikov to Gerson.
  4. Gerson 6/5/18 302, at 3; 12/14/16 Text Message, Dmitriev to Gerson.
  5. 12/14/16 Text Message, Gerson to Dmitriev.
  6. 12/14/16 Text Message, Gerson to Dmitriev.
  7. 12/14/16 Text Messages, Dmitriev & Gerson; Gerson 6/15/18 302, at 1.
  8. 12/14/16 Text Messages, Dmitriev & Gerson.
  9. Gerson 6/15/18 302, at 1.
  10. 1/9/17 Text Messages, Dmitriev to Gerson; 1/9/17 Text Message, Dmitriev to Nader.