Page:Report of Joint Board on Interstate Highways.pdf/42

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Moved and seconded that it be the sense of this Board that paragraph 7, sub-paragraph 3, of the Report of the Committee on Signs, be approved on the basis of the 24-inch sign, and that we recommend that insofar as it may be possible under the several State laws that yellow background be used instead of white, and that we recommend to the several States that these modifications be provided for by further legislation if possible. CARRIED (Report of Committee on Signs attached)

Moved and seconded that it be the sense of this Board that paragraph 7, sub-paragraph 4, of the Report of the Committee on Signs, providing for the use of the standard octagon as to shape, with yellow background and black lettering, be approved. CARRIED

Moved and seconded that it be the sense of this Board that paragraph 7, sub-paragraph 5, of the Report of the Committee on Signs, be approved with yellow background and black lettering. CARRIED

Moved and seconded that it be the sense of this Board that sub-paragraph 5-A, be added to the Report of the Committee on Signs, detailed wording to be phrased by the Acting Chairman, recommending the adoption of the square sign, 24" by 24", instead of diamond shape, for the purpose of indicating "look or attention;" to be used sparingly where there is not need of caution or slowing up in driving, but where the driver's attention should be arrested, at such places as schools, hospitals, churches, etc., and that we have yellow background with' black lettering. CARRIED

Moved and seconded that paragraph 7, sub-paragraph 6, of the Report of the Committee on Signs, be approved as to size, leaving the matter of slat signs' to 'the discretion of the States. CARRIED