Page:Report of the Board of Inquiry into the Helderberg air disaster.djvu/52

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influenced by their individual sinking characteristics and the effect of the ocean current. High density items were found in the South-eastern area with a progressive spread of items with low sink rates in a downstream (North-westerly) direction.

After location of the wreckage a contractor was selected to provide the technology and equipment necessary to photograph pieces of significance and to retrieve selected pieces. The then state of the art made this a difficult and lengthy investigation, with a large experimental factor. Recovery of the recorders was considered first priority. Photography and recovery of the wreckage were conducted from a specially equipped ship, the Stena Workhorse, by means of a remotely operated vehlcle (ROV). This took place under the control and supervision of the investigator-in-charge, and with the technical assistance and support of SAA on all aspects of the search, and of Boeing in the identification of items of wreckage.

The photographic and video equipment installed on the ROV also enabled visual