Page:Report of the Board of Inquiry into the Helderberg air disaster.djvu/62

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station 1700. (Target 204: see App C Volume 2 p 7.)

There was evidence of heat exposure and smoke deposits on the left and right rear top panels and upper surfaces of the galley unit, particularly in the centre and on the right hand side. The unit was relatively intact with some lateral distortion evident on the left. The right side oven doors showed evidence of severe water impact damage.

(8) Large section of the lower aft fuselage structure (Target 244: see drawing App C bis Volume p 18).

No signs of heat exposure or smoke deposits were evident on the inner or outer surfaces. The structure showed evidence of water impact damage on the lower right side of the fuselage which is consistent with the impact damage observed on target 219. The lower section of the lower aft cargo door was still