Page:Report of the Board of Inquiry into the Helderberg air disaster.djvu/88

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(9) There were differences in the smoke testing procedures and criteria used from manufacturer to manufacturer, prior to issuance of FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 25 - 9.

The team recommended that no new main deck class B compartment designs be approved to the existing class B criteria and that main deck cargo compartments provide a level of safety equal to class C compartments or that cargo be carried in fire resistant containers meeting class C requirements including smoke detection and fire suppression capability. Changes to the rules were being considered.

1.16.3 Many of the floating wreckage pieces that were recovered shortly after the accident, were analysed for explosives by forensic scientists. No signs of explosives were found.

1.16.4 The tape recording of the cockpit area microphone was examined in Canada in search of a fuselage vibration signature which could indicate an explosive cause of the cargo fire. No recognisable signature was found.