Page:Report of the Oregon Conservation Commission to the Governor (1908 - 1914).djvu/181

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Letter of Transmittal 4 Introduction 5 Conservation and the State— R€cat Advance of the Movement 7 Oregon Has a Good &ginning 7 Reaching the School Children The Canimisiai’s Duty 8 Fcrts— What the Topic Involves 9 Our Forest Resaoren 10 Than Relation to the Average Citiz.n it Pre..nt Waste 12 Existing Protective Effort 13 Wh,t is Needed 16 Lesson,fromOtherstata 1? Land and Stream Surveys— The Need to Know What We Have 28 Agricultural land Water Ecrnjrre 24 how to Encourage DeveIopm,t 24 Best Wv Le Get and Dineminate Information 26 Topozraphic Maps 27 Water Supply Data 29 Good Roads— Importance of Good Roads to tue Commonwealth SO Oregon a Great Awrtr”]tural Stale no Railroad Financial System an Object Lesoon SI Cost of Haulage on Dofoctive Roads 31 First Cost of Good Roads in Europe and U,dt.d States 32 Cost of Maintenance 32 Ratio of Rozd to Area of Country and Population 33 Mileage Ratio of Roads to RaIroads 38 Mileage of Roads in Oreznn 34 Table of Road Statistics for ()regn 34 Climatic Condit on 35 Wetet Trsnsporistion— - A Consbtent Policy D’rabIe 36 Tendencies 37 ImpoFtance of Terminals 87 Co-ordination and Co-operation Navigable Milng ol the ColumbiR and Tributari 40 Progress of River Improvements 41 Harbor Improvements 44 Stak and Municipal Co-operation 46 Port District Activities 46 Conclu&on 50 Water Laws— Oregon’. Water Code Ofi9e of the State Engineer 51 Wat.r Power RkgllIatiozl 53 Recommendations of Coramision (ZIO gle •.lN•.E (A A