Page:Report of the Oregon Conservation Commission to the Governor (1908 - 1914).djvu/183

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Oregon Conservation Commission to the GOVERNOR


In submitting the following report the Oregon Conservation Commission calls attention to its duties as prescribed by Jaw; ‘the setting forth of the condition of the natural resources of the State, together with such recommendations for legislation as may be deemed advisable, or other means of protecting or promoting the development and use of the same.”

The term "conservation" as applied by the legislature in naming the Commission so charged, clearly carried the most practical meaning. It would have been almost equally appropriate to call it a "development" commission. The object was to constitute an official agency to act in behalf of the State and its people in formulating a definite policy for the fullest and most permanent use by the people of Oregon’s natural resources. Such a policy requires that these resources shall be developed and not wasted, just as it requires that the greatest number shall profit therefrom.

Therefore, whatever significance may be ascribed to the term in other connections, in this Commission’s authorized state capacity it is applied to the development, use, protection and perpetuation of Oregon’s resources, for the highest benefit of Oregon’s people, now and always.

Oregon's need and duty in this respect is urgent, clear-cut, and not to be confused by other issues. It is for honest and thorough information of what we have and what we are doing with it, and for doing as much better as we can, individually and as a State.

In still more definite terms, this means collecting and diseminating reliable State data concerning our lands, waters, minerals, forests, fisheries, etc.; providing better State protection of destructible community wealth like forests and fisheries, Improving our land and water transportation facilities, and