Page:Report of the Oregon Conservation Commission to the Governor (1908 - 1914).djvu/25

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Upper and Tower Kontena River.9, Golden, B. C., to J elitliligs, Montana 259 Jcnnings to Bcnncs Ferry, not navigabLe, 75 milts. Bonners Ferry to head Kootenai Lake 29 Ndson to mouth at Robson. 25 miles, not navigable. •Okauogan River. nirnith to international boondary 87 International boundary to Ptn licton, 37 miles, not navigable. Penticton to Okanogan Landing Total navigable waters, other tributaries 1 The total “avigable waters of the Columbhi and is Irihutaries aggregate mileage of 2138.


The cIlef I,arhor of the Oregon coast is at the ijoitib of the Columbia River, and as this is the outlet of all tile principal streams of the three Northwesi states, the necessity (or its spedy improvement, adequate for the needs of the commerce of the great section it drains, cannot be exaggerated. The entrance to this river strageticallv and commerdally is of national interest. It is the key to the transportion problem of the Northwest. The second harbor 7’ importance on tile Oregon coast is that of Coos Bay, about 2 miles south of the Columbia River. The trade of this section is now arge and constantly increasing. aid the necessities of conirnerce demand its niprovernent to which it is fortunatehv well adapted.

Other harbors, such as Yaquina, Tillarnook, SiusIav, impqua. Coquille and Rogue River, serve local nterests, and in tirile can be made more available for these uses. We have not undertaken to refer to every waterway. harl,or or project in the State, but simply to outline the situation in a general way, There are numerous rivers flowing into the larger rivers and into the various hays and harbors. some of which are navigable and are in constant use for a number ci miles from thdr mouth,.

Improvement of Waterways and harbors

Oregon has long been alive to the importance of the improvement of Its waterways, and as in other sections. these strcamc

Parts of th ColunibLa and Is trlhutarIe ms,ked thu. () ar gable uhd.,( favcrbFe e(),4Itlan,. PaetlcciIl, all these of river could be ma,Ie “ier for at all of tti yeftr rompar,UkeIy small expense, u Id raffle ond Itlo’i S r er th I tflefl I The CimhIa irnI flk,,.. w f.rm,r]3. na’-Lgt,d throughout lila exeei,t luring occs]oiial bl,rk,de rem l[e. fro[,. CeEFIO .‘L*r tbrnugh ‘0 I&,.ht,,n. It IIL be by ‘oi.( hat part of Snake III’er from n,o’’Ih 0 Rii,arln. s flow mRI)cI IT,’g[lIe uIt{I faV{)rhle (1011!. Co gTe