Page:Report of the Oregon Conservation Commission to the Governor (1908 - 1914).djvu/31

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Report of the Oregon Conservation Commission.

Inland Empire, which means all of Oregon Washington and Idaho lying east of the Cascade and west of the Rocky Mountains, and through the coclmerce of this empire must take its way.

The following brief statement of the commerce now passing in and out of this river will give sonic idea of its importance:

The total commerce handled duñng the calendar year t9o7 between Portland and the sea, including river as.d ocean commerce, amounted to 4251,681 tons, of an esthnated value of approximately $76,583,804. That handled by seagoing vessels amounted to 1664,717 tens, of an estimated value of The commerce for the year 'gas will show a decided ncrcase. With the completion of the North Panic" road pouring its vast volume of trade through this same outlet, with river improvements under way to still further ncrelse the volume of tonnage, with thousands of square miles of tributary territory undeveloped, and through which lines of railway are hut just being surveyed, one calL appreciate the importance of this project, and necessity for its speedy compleüon.

Below Mouth of the Willamette.

The general plan adopted for the improvement of this portion of the river and securing a deep channel to the a is by building c,tss and training dikes and dredging. Some permanent work has been done, but the results thus far obtained have been largely through dredging. In the past twenty years the depth has been increased from about 16 to 25 feet at low water. It is time, however, the permanent project for the improvement of this portion of the river was under way. A large part of the work of the past and the present has been and is being done through the Port of Portland. a public corporation, whose taxing district and limits include the City of Portland and a small territory in addition. Through taxation and the sale of bonds this public corporation is engaged in the conduct of work which rightly should be carried on by the general government.

Between Mouth of Willamette and Vancouver

A bar offered some interference to navigation between these points. This was remedied by the building of a dike closing the