Page:Report of the Park Board 1903.djvu/10

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Park Board—How Constituted.

Section 259. There shall be a Park Board to consist of four members besides the Mayor, and no person shall be ineligible as a member by reason of sex. The Mayor shall be chairman, and the Auditor, clerk of the Board. The members of the Board shall be appointed by the Mayor for terms of four years, except as herein otherwise provided, and may be removed by the Mayor at any time; but on removing any member of the Board, the Mayor shall make a written report to the Council, setting forth his reasons for such removal, and the same shall be filed in the Auditor's office.

Upon the taking effect of this Charter, the Mayor shall immediately constitute the Park Board by appointing two members to serve for two years, and two members for four years, subject to removal as above provided, and, as these terms expire, thereafter the Mayor in office shall appoint two members to serve for four years to fill the places of those members whose terms have expired.

Vacancies—How Filled.

Section 260. In case of a vacancy occurring in the Park Board from any cause the same shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor for the unexpired period of the term of the member whose place became vacant.

Powers of Park Board—Qualifications of Members.

Section 261. The said Board, except as herein otherwise provided, shall have the general management and supervision of all parks, squares, openings and public grounds surrounding public buildings now owned or hereafter acquired by the city, and also shall have power to regulate and control the planting, trimming, growing, use, preservation and maintenance of all shade or ornamental trees, shrubs, plants or flowers in, upon or over any street, boulevard, path or sidewalk of the city. No person shall be eligible for appointment as a member of said Board unless he or she has been a resident of the city for at least five years next preceding the appointment.

Rules and Regulations.

Section 262. The said Board may adopt such rules and regulations for the use, management and supervision of the parks, squares, openings, public grounds, and grounds surrounding public buildings, bath houses or other places of recreation, now belonging to the city or here-