Page:Report of the Park Board 1903.djvu/42

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places where a speedway could be so suitably and safely introduced which would be at the same time so convenient to the part of the city where the majority of those able to have fast horses would reside, and this condition seems likely to continue for many years.


Along the east side of the river, unlike the west side, there are bluffs of considerable height, both above and below the city. Long stretches of these bluffs yet remain covered with more or less of the original forest growths, and the local scenery although somewhat injured by the construction of railways, for the most part is still extremely beautiful. This opportunity for a picturesque pleasure drive and walks for the especial benefit of the residents of the large portion of the city east of the river, ought not to be allowed to slip by until it becomes impossible to make use of it through the growth of improvements and through the increasing land values. Below the city, beginning at Cook's subdivision just north of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company's car shops, a drive can very readily be laid out along the top of the bluff, all the way to the Portland University, and further if desired. A considerable portion of the crest of the bluff is already occupied by Willamette boulevard, but no land seems to have been secured between the boulevard and the ground along the river liable to be flooded to ensure the preservation of the views and the trees and wild shrubbery. By far the most important portion of this river bluff parkway is that from Cook's Addition to a junction with the Willamette boulevard. The drive in this portion may either follow the edge of the level land around the ravines which intersect the bluff, or, in some cases, it may span these ravines by bridges. The former method would undoubtedly be the more economical at present, and has the great advantage of making it certain that after straight streets have been suitably improved in the vicinity, heavy traffic will not often use the parkway because it will be so crooked. All the land between the driveway and the low land subject to be flooded should be secured, but this will be impracticable without the consent of the Oregon Railway & Navigation Company which has recently acquired a good deal of it. It would undoubtedly be wise to take a few acres of the level upland in connection with this parkway, in order to provide a local pleasure ground and play ground for the large district adjoining, which seems destined to have a great population. An arrangement should be made with the trustees of the Portland University for extending the drive to the fine commanding view point in their grounds.