Page:Report of the Park Board 1903.djvu/50

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and consequently increased values in lands between Mount Tabor and Sandy road, may make it difficult to get a suitable boulevard through this section of the city, but from Sandy road to the Columbia Sloughs, there are no such difficulties to be encountered. As much of Sandy road passes through a quarter of the city which, not being provided with an electric railway, has not been fully subdivided and is not densely populated, it might be practicable, as it would certainly be desirable, within a few years, to widen this road sufficiently to provide two driveways, one of which could be devoted permanently to pleasure driving. Such a boulevard would form a valuable feature by itself, but would be worth much more in connection with the proposed boulevard from Mount Tabor to Columbia Sloughs.


One other boulevard is needed to complete the system, namely, from Willamette boulevard to Columbia Sloughs Park. There are several different routes, the choice between which would depend largely upon what land owners are willing to do. The one which would apparently be the easiest of accomplishment would leave Willamette boulevard at the west end of Portland boulevard, which should be widened from 100 feet (its present width) to 200 feet as far as the east side of Goodmorning Addition. The proposed boulevard would be continued thence to Columbia Sloughs, crossing Columbia boulevard at the point where it is crossed by the Vancouver electric railway. A desirable variation on this route would be to have the proposed boulevard leave Willamette boulevard at the point near the bluff where the old county road intersects Willamette boulevard, and running across Day's Addition and Park Addition, proceed on curved lines to the southeast corner of Goodmorning Addition. From this point to Columbia Sloughs the route of the previously suggested boulevard would be followed. Another desirable variation would leave the proposed park above the bluff at the south side of Lynn subdivision and run north through the middle of the Riverside Addition along the line of Concord street and then on curving lines to the southeast corner of Goodmorning addition. Or it might follow the line of Patton avenue. A fifth alternative route would run north from Willamette boulevard, past the east side of Columbia Park and thence on curving lines diagonally northeastward to Columbia boulevard, which ought to be widened so as to provide two driveways eventually, as it will inevitably become an important traffic road, and would therefore, unless provided with two driveways, be unsuitable as a pleasure drive. There are several so-called boulevards in the northern part of the city, but none of them appear to be over 100 feet wide. Hence they are not enough