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in 1918. Columnaris variety yielded 1,063 pounds per acre of marketable coffee in 1948 against 231 pounds for the Puerto Rican variety. Apparently, the irregular rain received during the year, affected the Puerto Rican variety more than the Columnaris variety. The average acre yields over a 15-year period leave the Columnaris variety well in front with 1,136 pounds as compared with 619 pounds for the West Indian variety.


Weather Yearly Data. W. Vargas

The rainfall for the last 6 months of 1948 was 54.11 inches, or 5.17 inches above the 50-year average. For the first 6 months of 1949 the rainfall was 22.66 inches, or 7.22 inches below the 51-year average. Only July, November, December, and March had above-average precipitation. The rainfall for the remainder of the year was below average. The total rainfall for the fiscal year 1948-49 was 76.77 inches, which was 3.05 inches below the 50-year average of 79.82 inches.

The mean temperature record at Mayagüez, P. R., for the fiscal year 1948-49 was 77.5° F., which was only 0.20 higher than the 50-year average of 77.3°.


The following publications were issued during the year:

  • Childers, N. F., Seguinot Robles, P., and Loustalot, A. J. Bay oil production in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico (Mayagüez) Fed. Expt. Sta. Cir. 30, 32 pp., illus. 1948.
  • Hume, E. P. Some ornamental vines for the Tropics. Puerto Rico (Mayagüez) Fed. Expt. Sta. Cir. 31, 72 pp., illus. 1949.
  • Plank, H. K. Life history, habits, and control of the coconut rhinocerus beetle in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico (Mayagüez) Fed. Expt. Sta. Bul. 45, 35 pp., illus. 1948.
  • Plank, H. K., and Winters, H. F. Insect and other pests of ciachona and their control in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico (Mayagüez) Fed. Expt. Sta. Bul. 46, 10 pp., illus. 1949.

The following articles were published in periodicals of the Department:

  • Jones, M. A., Pagán, C., McGovran, E. R., Gersdoff, W. A., and Picquett, P. G. A further toxicological comparison of Derris and Lonchocarpus. Jour. Agr. Res. 78 (7) : 191-196. 1949.
  • Jones, M. A., and Vicente, G. C. Criteria for testing vanilla in relation to killing and curing methods. Jour. Agr. Res. 78 (11): 425-434. 1949.
  • Jones, M. A., and Vicente, G. C. Inactivation and vacuum in filtration of vanilla enzyme systems. Jour. Agr. Res. 78 (11): 435-443, illus. 1949.
  • Jones, M. A., and Vicente, G. C. Quality of cured vanilla in relation to some natural factors. Jour. Agr. Res. 78 (11): 445-450. 1949.
  • Pagán, C., and Iageman, R. H. Effect of root diameter on chemical and biotoxic constituents of Derris. Jour. Agr. Res. 78 (11): 417-423. 1949.
  • Pagán, C., Hageman, R, H., and Loustalot, A. J. The effect of sun, shade, and oven-drying on the toxicological and chemical values of Derris root. Jour, Agr. Res. 78 (11): 413-416. 1949.
  • Pagán, C., and Loustalot, A. J. A simple rapid method for estimating toxicity (rotenone equivalent) of Derris root. Jour. Agr. Res. 77 (9-10): 271-277. 1948.
  • Pagán, C., and Loustalot, A. J. Comparison of chemical values with the toxicological rotenone equivalent of Derris and Lonchocarpus roots. Jour. Agr. Res. 78 (7):197-205, iltus. 1949.