Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 4).djvu/394

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1898—1902. No.34.] OBERCARBONFAUNA \'.K(")N[(;OS(LAIKILHEIB LAN“, 6-.)

‘ ‘ . m Uhem 1' Est [11:31" l’nlimmfikum 1i.-1..‘ “ml unll ' Alpv-n “EWLW Spier ‘ ' barge” Verleichnis der Ohm-carbon- fauna von KUnig Oscar um] . '0 '_1 —" m Haber-gs Land 5 . m :2 ‘ a 1‘»: *3 é xv:

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a“ a a a 3 2” 3 3 ‘ . 45 Spirifm‘ Marcom' Wm, . . , . + v 71 7‘77 ‘ 46, 7 tastubeusis Tm. + 7 7 7 7 ‘7 7 47, 7 + 7 7 7 m 7 . . + 7 7 _ 7 w. Spin'ferellu Saiamu \ mm. + 7 7‘77 50. Keilhawi v7 BUcH 7 . + 7 7 7‘7 5L 7 artiensis S-mcx. . . . + 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 _ 52 — ParrymmTouI..\H++—— 777 7.7 777_+7 7_ 53. 7 Drasehez' 'I‘ouLA SSaltm'rscmm. 7 + 7 7 7 + + 7 7 7 7 7 +17 717 54. — 5p. . . 7 . . . . . . ..+‘7—77777 7777 7‘77 717 55.3piri/Brinac1'ixtataScHL.. ., +77 77++++7 7 +477 74777747 Yam. ihynohouelh'dae. ‘ 5a Cmamphma Kutargue 'rscn. . +‘ 7 7‘+ + + 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 _ 7 _ 57. 7 mutabilis' +77‘7.++7777xx7++ 77 5& Rhynchoporu Nikitm'i 'l‘ +‘+ 7+ + 7). + + 7 7 7 7 7 + 7 7 7 7 Fam. Terebmtulidae. 59. Natothyrfspnlaris n. sp . . . 7 .. +7 7 _ 7 7 7 7 _ 7 7 7 7‘7‘. -‘7 641 Mlasma Maelleri'r‘scu .. ,. + 7 7H7 +17 + 7 7 7 .7 7‘7 7‘+ 7 7‘7 Lame/libranclziafa. ‘ i Fam. Aviculopectinidae, ‘ st, Avimlapecteufllellopecten?)Blme'i ‘ ‘ Kay-7m. mm mm. + — 7}7 +‘+ +27 7‘7 7 7‘7 7‘7 7 7. 717 [59‘ [2| 31153047‘ ~23 ‘ 144114110 72411 11‘ 1‘9