Page:Report on indigenous education and vernacular schools in Agra, Aligarh, &c.djvu/161

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1. Government has already defined the nature of the duties and functions which you are called upon to perform, in paragraph 10 of the Resolution dated the 9th February, 1851, published in the Government Gazette of the 19th February.

2. The instructions laid down in the “Directions to Parganah Visitors”, you will consider applicable to yourself, on those points, in which your duties assimilate to those of the Parganah Visitor.

3. Your closest attention, and most strenuous endeavors should be directed towards the four following most important objects.

First—The improvement and increase of Indigenous Schools.

Second.—The encouragement of a desire for knowledge, and for the benefit arising from education among all classes.

Third.—The collection of full and correct statistical information regarding the condition of the Schools, state of education, and of learning in general, in your District.

Fourth.—A close and conscientious superintendence of the Parganah Visitors and Teachers subordinate to you.

4. With reference to the first object, you must bear in mind that many Village Schools already exist; that the system of