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Mr. Singh also suggested that those assembled and their friends should write letters to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India, assuring him that the people of America will stand by him and give him their full moral support in his fight for progressive and democratic ideals.


JOSE ARCE, Representative of the Republic of Argentine to the Security Council of the United Nations:

“I sincerely regret that a previous unbreakable engagement makes it impossible for me to be with you tomorrow, as I would like, at the Memorial Meeting to pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi.

“I take this opportunity to express my most profound adherence to the sentiments expressed by that act.”

ROGER N. BALDWIN. Director, American Civil Liberties Union; Treasurer, India League of America:

“Gandhiji belongs to the immortal company of martyrs to the highest principles to which men aspire. The universal recognition of his greatness testifies to the best in us all, and offers hope for its realization.

“My few precious hours with him on the way to the Round Table Conference revealed not only his spiritual force and his political shrewdness — a unique combination — but the rarely-noted gaiety of his heart and the serenity of his mind. Laughter was one of his notable qualities. Gandhi rose far above the cause of India to the universal. Our desperate civilization will move ahead by the example and teaching of one great soul.”

CHESTER BOWLES, Chairman of United Nations Appeal For Children:

“I am sorry I cannot join you physically today in honoring Mahatma Gandhi.

All over the world there is insecurity, fear, hate, violence. To lose the individual who more than any other of our day lived to prove the