Page:Repository of Arts, Series 1, Volume 01, 1809, January-June.djvu/118

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dorehndmadea voyagtof 000 there I hours.?" " In what »«■ in half a day. "Thai is climate?" said thesailor, much sur- irapoasibif," s;l i t i thesailorj "no prised, and beginning to perceive air-balloon has ever yel been able the truth of his reply. 'Mu- se such a apace in so short a aiel mentioned the frigid eone. time." '• I do nol say,*' returned " In that ion< I bit master, the spaniel, bythe help of his in- "the days indeed are ofdiffe (erpreter, " that an air-balloon was lengths, from 24 hoursfo 6 months. cd for that purpose: [speak ffCaptain Cook," added he,"when °' ■ j by sea." The sailor he sailed beyond the polar circle, then said, " That by sea it was still had followed a parallel where the more impossible; because, as the day was only a month long, he I st sailing vessel went ; < f tw af uo more than about five tea an hour, it could never make a voyage of 600 leagues in half a day-" might, in half a day consisting of 360 hours, have traversed the space of GOO leaguei The sailor being desirous to sur- prise the spaniel and Iris master in The annual persisted In main- his turn, asked them if they knew laininghis assertion, and the sail- a place where the sun and moon or was going to lav a considerable might rise at the same hour, and bet, when Uw spaniel and Ids mas- even at the same instant, when tl << r added, that they had performed two luminaries are in opposition, igcia a country where thej that is to say, at full moon? The nulled fire with ice. " If you arc animal and Ids master replied, that it was the pole ; adding, that in the , same place the sun was always in the meridian, because every point. 1 of the horizon was south to the in- habitants, if any at the pql( . A lawyer, who was present, dis- puted a long time against the spa- niel, because the latter pretended that a man w ho died at noon, might rous of shewing your erudi tion," replied the baUor, " do not, I beg of you, utter so many absur- dities." The master of the spaniel then ad- ring the animal, said, " Tell us. my friend, is it nol true that a tire be kindled with a piece of ice, II it be cut into the form of a lens. - to 'collect the sun's rays into II sometimes be the heir of another U focus, and to project them on H , who died the same day at half an smallheap of gunpowder." The animal, which was blind-folded, nodded with his h.m], to saj hour after twelve. Though vari- ous laws were quoted from the Di- rest and the Justinian Code, which ' ,s *f- hi : d fully comprehended declare 1 that the heir must survive proposed to him. The dog on this point is right, ( the testator ; _ et the spaniel proved, that the assertion was perfectly ..'or; kl but it does not agreeable to these laws, because the r ' journeyof 600 leagues person who died at half after twelve can I- | d in half a day." died before 'he other : this wouh not, replied the dog, by the case if the first died at London, in of hism;:ster, " if it be and the other at Vienna, in a count,!,)- wherein half a c^> ; A third person proposed the fbl-