Page:Repository of Arts, Series 1, Volume 01, 1809, January-June.djvu/251

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REPOSITORY OF JUTS, LITER I'TURE, S'c. Xc. fltrtjcTtisrmrnttf For M A U< II I, IMk [Th l>r confirms* 1 W« "My.] Bond frsaf, ' PIN! LR1 '. Aki> < IB Mi. i> it gnat pit Mare in I, ton lotincr to the Public, that the First /,!/• . i" ". ..;, irtng* from 1 1 ■• - Kiv > VIED ( Dl i i ok Pictures, i is read] I n di livei > ■ ct of this Workis to give, inaSelccI of , . .vi ■ . r the ttw i Ictun -, correel rep • r . ,ii in < loloure, of the cbai m tii :^in i c I nci - which distinguish tin- beat

of Titian, Carraoci, Bromoafc, tht ttea 

y ; . Ouido, Dominickina, i Wuritlo, and Claude It Lorraint. ■ he Hngrai ing« a ill all be executi >i (> o o faithful Copies made l> Mr. W. H. Ca>Aio, and will each In i, inches in its larger dimensions ; Mas to form ao elegant Set of Cabinet Pictures. The Work will be divided iota Six Camber*, dim to lie published, if possible, every third Month i each Number will eontain two engravings, aocean- panied with ■ concise History of each Picture, and a Sketch of 1 1 ■* - I *.i i : » t « r's Life Tlw list Najobei «iil present to the Public the celebrated ParrratJ of R< nbrandt, from the < orsini Palace, and a beautiful handscapi i> I . L Lor- . from tlir Collection <if the lata Doc de Choi- BJ ill A more enlarged Pros pectus is ready for circula- tion. CIRC! i kTING LIBRARY, 19b. ii, Tavistoci-street, Covent-Garden, Jamfs CasicuTOa most respectfully informs hi> I "iic mis :i ml the Public, that he continues in aug- ment his Circulating Library, by the daily addition of valuable ami expensive Hooks in every class of Lit* rature. Subscribers to this Library ma] he assured of be- ing liberally supplied with the nu^i modern Publi- cations, condncirt to information, amusement, and useful instruction. Grateful tea discerning public, for the patronage In has hitherto experienced, J. Creighton will per- severe in the ntmost exertioni to aserit a contiua- aaee of favours. Catalogues and cards of the term- may he had on application at the Ulnars QJRDO Net,, and Twist Manufactory. Tiif NoMlity and Gentry, are respectfully in- Ibrmed, the above Business is removed from St. Jameses-street, to No 34, Golden-Square Having for man) years exp« rienced the approbetioa and pa- trouage of the Nobility, T. (;. hatters himself they will continue to honour him » ith th ii Comm N. B. 1. a. lies' own work made ap in a superior manner. A great variety of Plain and Varies Purse Twist, to form Patterns < lu mile, Gold, and Silver Tassels and Sliders, ami every other Arti- cle iu the Netting Branch. Nettasg meaded auJ cleam J

Ft I M 1 I ' i M P i HorrMAN, Statioat r i Duks of Kcut s i ' and, six < • lied- i d i.,, ,i .lull, oppoi lie tin .ili IpbJ Qiiin I. d 77, in - - - 1 D / -14 Large t) I thick I ,. |d. I'. Quire M. d l ngiH i i t 1 fl / i i • 4 do Willi all Kind* »f Paj -turu t and Station' ■ equally moderate. SP INISH DH i 5S1 5, In , an- on Sliou at M • Bl ' i in-, No u, Blenheim-street. Bowd atrccl The Winter Stock of Millinery, P « linals, 6cc. will be sold considerably undei Primi I - Thirteen Yrart Tlir. IRISH v < OMPANY Have opposed the injurious Plan of whitening ■ nh Muriatic Ami ; ami foi tax t Im y have kepi s Houai opi n in London foi I riusiv. salt of their Manufacture and Bh are ta be bad in this I . -t tm i I house, No. 4, Btaomsbury Square, near Jiouthamp- l on -In i 1, U sding to (> ollxx :i No Auieli -ol. I Imt Iiu-ii Liken — . than ■ ^n is. One Piece at Wholi -ul- Pi ice, ami n- eter made. — Each Phw ts warranted a- t" Fatsrat, and tu be bleached on th* G . ""i tla Moacj re- turned if a fault appears. — Orda I *iih nnnctualit] - Cash -ii mmal for Rank of !■• ' md N .1. O'Hrii n. Agent to the ( O'ipanw. Ko. 4. Bloomsbury-SqHare, is their only House in London. A Nl> AM> Ml'llUIIR I'ltU'ARATION for Cleansing and Improving the Skia.— -The Jklmmd andRpi I -t fh a-ant clesms- • t of tie sk ii, |>o--. all th

i. im v ,.|" the mjn 

derives its name. It readers tan Pace, Neck, Anns il. beati hj fin, soft, aad am kf ever so coarse, hard, or red; and prevents their being chapped in the - the*. It has the he alaaeassj ^e. ami ret nm its virtaea for any length of time, in everj climate, which renins it valu.ilili for exportation — l'r. par- ed onlv b] MaXHBV, Piri'iHiur to their Koyal Highnesses the Princem af Walea, l>uke and DuchcsS of York, aad aosd whaaesali aad retail at bis warehoo -. No. '. Portmaa- aanare, at is. the piece, "- 6<1. tht indfshmea, and 108. the . o/en. A literal Allo«.ine< lothelrado, Country Dealers, and Meav&amts hi expo - - «." whicb in a biH sigaied with his name, and am the puucii'.il Pertuuuxs in towu »nj countiy.