Page:Repository of Arts, Series 1, Volume 01, 1809, January-June.djvu/253

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Ab ERTIIEMENTI Hill MARCH, I " 1)n JAM! ■ INA1 I PI IC PILLS' M ^ I/, li id ;. ii 11 km , as ii it J, it 'i'i llu I • I It I'i i . 111, • i, Southampton -ii 1 1 i, I ovi it-Gai

  • ii who rvci |»i the tnalcptit Pill ■ foi ln< lat< Di lAMCS, from till 'U I , , J, VI III II III III it ■ iilll|l« ■• 'I I ill III, lllllll the Doctoi i iiii i.i i P »ili iihi.Iv, in prt'pan i them from tin best Drugi I" < in procun from iIh Druggists, exactly in the Mine iiianuri bo prepared them foi Dr, Jaonci Tin I i vie. Fowdih, ii Mil ths Packetj with liberal allot •nC< li> I'i :u I il nun i . .Hid null i i MR HANS SLOAN E'a RESTORAT1VJ kND 1:1 INIMAT1 NG PILLS, For those ill .in ilng Debililici which prevent 01 render unhappy the niarringi itatt long experi c in ■■ haa proved Sit Hani Sloan i RJ rORA- Til I and i;i anhiai i<; PILLS, to be tha aaoat certain and sovereign I! ly. A pamphlet limn' particular I j descriptive of theii virtm eontuining nnch useful kuforraalion foi (In Nei roua, Debilitated, Relaxed, fee, kc. to be had (I'i hi il.) al Mi Perrin'i, 23, Southampton-street, Cum ni Garth n, Loudon ; where the) are iold, price i « ir (>il and • < )3i. tin larger Boxes, containing; the gjuantitj of four imall ones. To persona in the country. Inclosing payment anil postage to Mr. Perrin, be will iinmediatelj forward them, ^ii£ai7 ARTIFICIAL TEETH, made from a Substance with Enamel, which does not change cokmr, and appeari eonal to Nature, ikilfullj placed from one to :i whole let. — Natural To. t > » placed from ;i tingle to a complete Set, with Gold or Artificial Gums, on reasonable terms Mr. PRINCE, Dentist, at- tends dailj from Ten till Pour, al bia bouse, No
    », .iiilin itreet, Oxford street, where he performs
    all Operations on the Teeth and Gums with i .. t and safety — Mi I' fixes the above Teeth no enact, thai thej can be worn without tying. THE TEETH AND GUMS. Patron IBKD and naed by their Royal High- aesses the Dukes of Clarence and Kent, nud Gen- tlemen in the Navj and Army, who have found the good effects in long Voyages — Thotti it'- Omi n- ti Dentifrice, or Asiatic Tooth Powder, haa been for twenty yeara recommended : a single 1m> is a sufficient quantity to ascertain its efficacj and virtues, being acknowledged by the moat re- spectable Medical authorities; used by raanj ami recommended. The Powder cli ansi i and beat 1 1 :iii ■ the Teeth, Bweeteni the breath, possesses no acid that can corrode the enamel, and puts a beautiful polish on the Teeth. From it • ncy it strengthens the Gums, eradicates thescun y,(u hich often proves the destruction of a whole set ofteeth , preserves sound Teeth from decay.— But wh enhanced it in the estimation of those who have been in the habit of using it is, that it prevent! the return of the tooth-ache, with which before they had been violently artlieted. Likewise a Tincture, which possesses the power of easing the most vio- lent tooth-ache, and is a wash with the Powder. A Caution.— Any Asiatic Tooth Powder, without " M Trotter" on the Stamp, an counterfeits. — Sold, Wholesale and Retail, at her W an boose, No 3, Beaufort-buildings, Strand; by Mr Smyth Pi r t 'niiier to his'Majesty, Mr. Rigge. and Mr.Gattie, New Ho, ul-street ; Baviey and Blew, CoCkspor- stveet ; Mr Hendrie, Titcb b w n c -s tr e et ; Mr Da- vidsou, Fleet-street; and Rigge, Cheapahik}, /..Hi,. . *•! Il I' l I I hi. • II f I r . i.i iii< i i in ii. I ... , truss, 4u I i • i << i I M i tobi iniiiii ill ii. u rrniovi them, and ■bin m>I" i nil i rcr than il i in i I Pit t circli ■ i i Haul. , ind I 'mi ii'i died in ml 11- I Il m •••III Mrboleaab sod retail b) Ii Perri Southampton - 1 ■ • • <.'o all tin pi in' ui'l Mi I.' n i I I • • I ' i o n k i n I |i ij mi ni and | • tag< to Hi l' a ill iiniii' diatel) foi w srd il - Pi < I ii i / . , I • •I I'i i mi i urn and I i I < >! I , for moistening I be Hair when tin - •• : i . _; . wlmli is ■i .i iniiii i ib< i to 1 1, ll.ii. ■ i" pi ■ tin iiin . grej !•• ill pel iod • j pi ana and m.iUi m tin- hair gi ow t h ing "il | and i • ton • ' the i' Several l that v. ■ ii- bald, hai e d< clan A, -i 1 1 . i < hi i egulai l for - > . iiimitlis, thi came in :n l i 01 ' i • 'I ii i'Ii bail j proraoti - 1 y< '•m»i ) w biskers, and prevents them tnrni The Pro mnseudi Ladies and ' tlemen who wl Ii to preaerve their bail thenseof different perfumed Oils, ai tin perfume causes dryness to the hair, aml< lions it ;-i change colowr, and be i rarly age. T In Russia Oil i ranted innocent, and ■ i r of tin- liair. Thi high reputation thf Russia Oil for preserving and promoting tin great demand for it, has indn< ■om t" advi 1 1 .*-■ articles foi t • • milai • i is therefore particular!] recommended to i the label on tl outside wr ipp rol signed, in Russian gold ink, " Mcm bri I'riini- : any without that lignature It is particularlj lerviceablc to persons wt m tincial hair, as it ;iu ■ it a n renders it sut'i ami beautiful. It is g marked bj persons using artifii a short time wearing it becomes dr) and cosily discovered that it h artificial: by using Oil, it mi * entl it from li> il it keeps the hair soft, and renderi natural. Ptrlce 7s. per bottle, or one I four small, at one guinea, 01 tii e pounds. Sold wholesale and retail by the Propriel * Prince, No 9, John-sti appointment, by Mr. Smith, I Neu Bond-stro t . Hi ndri< fitmers to her Majesty, Titchborm and Blew, Perfumers to the Prince i;.-i Wall s, and I m 1 .'- and Dui )•■ ■pur-ati set; Harding • ■■-. I ; ■ Mall; Newberry a id S ss, yard; Dicey and Sntto ' I md Son, Fie* t Mark< I siiU-: sh.-.u and Edwards, 66, St i'i -• yard; Berry, Johnson, ( Strand j I ■ and Son, ' , Fleet-street; Rig I Baeou, ISO, Oxford -tr«.. t -. Wbithi Ward, ,;'v, Holbom; Tun, RoyaJ Bull, Dublin; Raebum, Edinburgh Salisbury; Crotwell, Bath; and by icon r- pal Pu f ai w hu or Medtci a e Venders Ireland, and Scotland.— Country Shoy-> • a liberal allowance