Page:Repository of Arts, Series 1, Volume 01, 1809, January-June.djvu/618

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INDEX. Lorenz, Mr observations on his patent for an instrument for procuring tire instantane- ously .... 160, 161 Luciii.c, lake, its ancient and le 285 Lully, Raymond, his cbemical works 65 Lyceum, the, opened ai a theatre by the Drvry Lane company - 32t» Mantanares, character of that river 254 Macartney, Mr.-C. lis Anatomical Work an- nounced - - - 18 1 Mr.cdonuld, Mr. J. his Travel* through Den- luuik and Sweden announced - 314 Manners and Customs, historical facts relative to them - - - ]iU 309, 356 Manners, English, remarkable change in them during the sixteenth century - 304 Mantles, cf ermine, historical particulars rela- tive to them - - - - 353 Markets, couutry, reports of them 60, 6.1 Markets, London, monthly report ot them, 6l, 128, 1<j6, 263, 338 Maro'des, Abbe, curious note to his trausla- tion ©f Martial':- epigrams - 144 Manlii, Roman, family of, antiquities disco- vered in their, tombs - - 382 Mary, queen of Scots, anecdotes of her 146 Marriages, monthly, 125, 10.2, 258, 332, 503 Mavor, Dr. an improved edition of his Voyages and Travels announced, 1S3 — his series of Catechisms on Popular Subjects, announced 315 Martinique, taking of that island by the Eng- lish, 3i>rj — description of it - 449 Mazer, Rabbi, anecdote of him - 325 Medical Annual Register announced, 248 — re- viewed - - . - • 385 Medical and Chiurgical Society, the first vo- lume of its Records announced - 3d Medical Institution of Bristol, its Reports an- ncui:cid - - - - - 182 Medical Query ... - 370 Medical Rcpoits 40, 11Q, 1/8, 245, 312, 395 Medicine, observations on the present state cf that science in Grejt Brit;;ki - ill Mendelssohn, anecdotes respecting him 394 Merino sheep, account cf their treatment in Spain - - - - - 139 Meteorological Jour 64, 130, 198, aSs, ;40,502 Mirrors, account of the different materials em- ployed for them - Misenuni, cape, description of it - 864 Molina, Able, translation of his History of Chili ancoamed - - - 4i Mo'.inenx, Mr. his Short- ha^d Instructor an- nounced - - - 42 Moore, Sir John, his military operations in Spain, log — his retreat to, 174 — his death, 17b — lines to his memory, 191, 25/ Mor.ta^ne, Mr. Georgs, the Supple-.. his History cf British Shells announced 36 Ji" lagu, Mrs. her Letters nnnoun - .i 314 Moutansier, cuke tie, account of the poetical garlana presented by him to his mistress, 323 '.e Ix'r.ovo, near Naples, description of it 285 Montrea', cier.c; '.it city . si W" > ', • discovered at his villa near Rome. - - - 332 I'.! 01 tinier, . . ictionary of Tir a-Lr.c^act.t - - . - 114 M'Tavisb, Mr. account of him - 8S Mud, extraordinary eruptions of, in the south- ern pavt of the Crimea - - 291 Mudford, Mr. his Tianslation of the Letters of a Peruvian Princess reviewed 3S.". Murdoch, Mr. observations on bis claim to the discovery of the use of gas from pit-coal 45S Murdoch, Mr John, his Dictionary of Dis- tinctions aanoum nl 37 .Murfitt, Mr. bis Essay oatheLif-j of AgesilauK announced ■ 247 Murray, Lindley, an Examination of bis Gram- mar announced ... 0.17 Murray and Bailantyne, their Collection of Novels and Roma: ces annaaueed 314 Muses Bower, a po tical Work, announced 42 Music, observations on the state of that science 41 Musical Compositions, fashionable titles for them .... ocj8 Musical Query, 20., — answer to it 376 Musquitoes, prodigious swarms of them bred in Westmorland, note - - 359 Mythology of Greece and Rome, versified, re- view of it - - - 386 N. Naples, view of its bay, 78, 79 — inns in that city, 79 — view of it, 153 — singular theatri- cal exhibition there - - 152 Nares, Rev. R. his Dictionary of the Middle Language announced - - 36 Natural history, obseivations on the periodical works relative to it - - 47 Naval architecture, its history - 4 Ncale, Dr. his Letters on the Campaigns in Spain ami Portugal announced - 379 Nelson, lord, monument in honour of him at Montreal - - - 83 Nero, reflections on his contrivance to drown his mother - - 3rjl Ni ' oletl.i, Donna, a young Neapolitan lady, her character - - 152 Nielsen, i_>. W. his Maps of Ancient and Mo- dern Geography announced - 314 Norman architecture, its characteristic 343 ISott, Pr. his edition of the Earl of Surry's Poems announced - H4 <). Opera house, dramatic exhibitions there 326 Oporto, taken by the French - ;u Orleans, duke of, challenge sent by him to Henry IV. of England - 4 J5 Ormsby, Rev. J. SV. Lis Account of the Ope- rations of I he British Army in Spain Portugal announced - 3Si Otus, valley of, in the Crimea, description of it 293 Oulton, Mr. his Collection of Poems and Letters on Female Education announced 42 s, deemed a delicacy by the Romans 144 Painting and Drawing, thoughts on the study of those arts - 272, 351, 424 Pa'afox, general, his heroic defence of Sara- 243 , Profi tsor, his account of an eruption of mud in the sea of Azof, en the shore of the Crimea, 291 — his manner of accounting for those phenomena - 2gJ Rapyri, apparatus for unrolling those found at Herculam m - - 20 Papyrus, method of making paper with it 208