Page:Repository of Arts, Series 1, Volume 01, 1809, January-June.djvu/64

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fashions for ladies and gentlemen.

supplies at this season of the year and the spring, from the distilleries, will sensibly affect the market for this article, and may probably encourage the farmer to consume his stained barley at home. Potatoes, although a deficient crop, prove very good; but the demand for this as well as other articles of grain and provision for the supply of our own troops and those of our allies in Spain, will probably exhaust our markets at an early season; and it is very probable this country alone can be depended upon for that purpose, a supply from the Mediterranean being uncertain, the ports of the Baltic shut against us, and the prospect of a removal of the American embargo distant and problematical.


plate 1.——walking dress.

A Polish bonnet and mantle of gold-coloured velvet, with an invisible hood trimmed with ermine; an antique collar fastened with a gold ornament in front, in form of a shell. Morning dress, white muslin Brussels spot, with a worked stomacher, and trimmed down the front and at the bottom; worked long hanging sleeves, twisted and fastened at the wristband with a small ornament, of the same form as that which fastens the mantle and cincture of the dress; sandals of gold-coloured cloth, laced with brown cords and tassels; York tan gloves.

evening full dress.

A white satin Spanish hat, with a diamond loop and Spanish plume; diamond earrings and necklace; the hair full, in ringlets; a white satin dress, full-trimmed with blue velvet, with a lace medicis round the back and shoulders; an antique stomacher ornamented with diamonds mounted in gold; white satin shoes with gold bows; white gloves and fan.

general observations.

Nacaratt royal purple and gold are the most prevailing colours for pelisses and mantles, which are made various materials, cloth, velvet, brocade, sarsenet, and satin, according to the fancy of the wearer. Head ornaments, Spanish hats, and caps decorated with feathers, flowers, pearls, or diamonds, according as the occasion requires. Morning dress, cloth, sarsenet, Brussels spotted muslin, trimmed with embroidery. Evening dress, satin, velvet, brocade, sarsenet, with gold or silver ornaments, and trimmings.

It is almost unnecessary to add, that the design and description of the ladies’ fashions in this month, are under the direction of Madame Lanchester, whose taste in the department of ladies’ dress and female ornaments, is so well known as to render any eulogium unnecessary.

fashions for gentlemen.

The prevailing colours are dark brown and bottle green. The coat for evening dress is cut rather long in the waist, and short in the skirts, double breasted, with pointed lappels, corresponding in length to the hip button; the lappels are padded to fall back with the collar, which is made pretty high and stitched narrow, the collar to fall back about an inch and half; deep pockets under the cross flaps; the cuffs round.