Page:Representation of the People Act (India) 1951.djvu/46

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{{}}•27S THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTEAORDINAEY [Part II forfeited under sub-section (2), be returned to suoh candidate or to the person who haa made the deposit on his behalf, as the case may be, after the publd- oatioQ of the result of the election in the Official Gazette: Provided that if a candidate is duly nominated at a general election in mora "than one Parliamentary constituency or Council of States constituency or Assembly constituency, not more than one of the deposits made by him or on his behalf pball be returned, and the remainder ehall be forfeited to the appro- priate authority : Provided further that if a candidate is duly nominated at an election In more "than one Council coaistitueiioy or at an election in a Council constituency and an election by tho members of the State Legislative Assembly to fill seats in the State Legislative Council, not more thai: one of the deposits made by him or on his behalf shall be returned, and the remainder shall be forfeited to the State Government. 169. Stall of every local authority to be made available lor election worli. — Ijvery local authority in a State shall, when so requested by the Election Com- mission or a Eegional Commissioner appointed under clause (4) of article 824 or the Chief Electoral Ofificer of the State, make available to any Eetuming OflBcer 6uch staff as may bo necessary for the performance of any duties in connection with an election, 160. BequlBttlouing ol piemlsies, vehicles, etc. tor election puipofles — (1) If it appears to the State Government that in connection with an election held within the State — (a) any premisos are needed or are likely to be needed for the purpose of being used as a polling station or for the storage of baUot boxes after a poll has been taken, or (b) any vehicle, vessel or animal is needed or is likely to be needed for the purpose of transport of ballot boxes to or from any polling station, or transport of membors of the police force for main- taining order during the conduct oif such election, or transport ol any officer or other person for performance of any duties in oon- neotion with such election, that Govenament may by order in writing requisition such premises, or such vehicle, vessel or animal, as the case may be, and may make suoh further orders as may appear to it to be necessary or expedient in connection with the requisitioning: Provided that po vehicle, vessel or anim&l which is being lawfully used by a candidate or his agent for any purpose connected with the election of such candidate shall be requisitioned under this sub-section until the completion of the poll at such election. (2) The requisition shall be eSected by an order in writing ftddreiised to the person deemed by the State Government to be the ovsTier or person to yoBsessioj of the property, and such order shall be served in the prescribed tnanner on the person to whom it Is addressed. (8) Whenever any property Is requisitioned under eub-seotlon (1), the period of such requisition shall not extend beyond the period for which such property is required for any of the purposes mentioned In tiiai sub-8eet)on. (4) In this seotion — (a) i^'premises" means any land, building or part of a building uA Includes a hut, shed or other utruoture or any part thereof;