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12     No. 8914
Government Gazette, 28 September 1983

Act No. 110, 1983

Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, 1983

(4) Whenever it is in any of the circumstances mentioned above not possible to nominate or designate an Acting State President, the Speaker of Parliament shall serve as Acting State President.

Oath of office by State President and Acting State President.

11. (1) The State President and any Acting State President shall when assuming office make and subscribe an oath of office in the following form before the Chief Justice or any other judge of the Supreme Court:

In the presence of Almighty God and in full realization of the high calling I assume as State President/Acting State President in the service of the Republic, I, A.B., do swear to be faithful to the Republic of South Africa and do solemnly and sincerely promise at all times to promote that which will advance and to oppose all that may harm the Republic; to obey, observe, uphold and maintain the Constitution and all other Law of the Republic; to discharge my duties with all my strength and talents to the best of my knowledge and ability and true to the dictates of my conscience; to do justice unto all; and to devote myself to the well-being of the Republic and its people.

May the Almighty God by His grace guide and sustain me in keeping this oath with honour and dignity.

So help me God.

(2) In the case of the State President the oath shall be made and subscribed by him at a formal function where the Seal of the Republic is handed over to him by the outgoing State President or Acting State President, unless he already has the Seal in his custody.

Salary of State President.

12. There shall be paid to the State President out of and as a charge on the State Revenue Fund and apart from any privilege which he may enjoy, such salary and allowances as may be determined from time to time by resolution of Parliament.

Pension payable to State President and State President’s widow or widower.

13. (1) There shall be paid out of and as a charge on the State Revenue Fund―


to any person who has at any time held the office of State President, an annual pension equal to the equal salary which was payable to him on the day upon which he vacated office;


to the widow or widower of any such person, a pension at the rate of three-quarters of the rate of the pension payable to such a person.

(2) A pension in terms of subsection (1) shall be payable―


in the case of the State President, with effect from the day following that upon which he vacated office;


in the case of the State President’s widow or widower, with effect from the day following that upon which person became a widow or a widower.

Part IV

Own Affairs and General Affairs

Own affairs.

14. (1) Matters which specially or differentially affect a population group in relation to the maintenance of its identity and the upholding and furtherance of its way of life, culture, traditions and customs, are, subject to the provisions of section 16, own affairs in relation to such population group.

(2) Matters coming within the classes of subjects described in Schedule 1 are, subject to the provisions of section 16, own affairs in relation to each population group.

General affairs.

15. Matters which are not own affairs of a population group in terms of section 14 are general affairs.