Page:Resignation - Edward Young (1762).pdf/29

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Her mark lies hid in sorrow's shades,
but sorrow well subdu'd;
And in proud fortune's frown defy'd
by meek, unborrow'd good.

By resignation; all in that
a double friend may find,
A wing to heav'n, and, while on earth,
the pillow of mankind:

On pillows void of down, for rest
our restless hopes we place;
When hopes of heav'n lie warm at heart,
our hearts repose in peace:

The peace, which resignation yields,
who feel alone can guess;
'Tis disbeliev'd by murm'ring minds,
they must conclude it less:

The loss, or gain, of that alone
have we to hope or fear;
That fate controuls, and can invert
the seasons of the year:

O! the dark days, the year around,
of an impatient mind;
Thro' clouds, and storms, a summer breaks,
to shine on the resign'd:
