Page:Resignation - Edward Young (1762).pdf/48

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Enter your bosom; there you'll meet
a revelation new,
A revelation personal,
which none can read but you;

There will you clearly read reveal'd
in your enlighten'd thought,
By mercies manifold, through life,
to fresh remembrance brought,

A mighty Being! and in him
a complicated friend,
A father, brother, spouse; no dread
Of death, divorce, or end:

Who such a matchless friend embrace,
and lodge him in their heart,
Full well, from agonies exempt,
with other friends may part:

As when o'erloaded branches bear
large clusters big with wine,
We scarce regret one falling leaf
from the luxuriant vine.

My short advice to you may sound
obscure or somewhat odd,
Tho' 'tis the best that man can give,——
"Ev'n be content with God."
