Page:Results of meteorological observations, 1894.djvu/54

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Abstract for the year 1894.

Means and Extremes of Meteorological Observations for the year 1894.

Mean for 25 years.

Mean reading of the barometer... 29’ "800 29"'796 Highest reading of the barometer for 1894 o

the 23rd December - 30” “183 30”'l80 Lowest reading of the barometer for 1894 on

the 17th August 29”‘385 29”'341 Mean of highest readings for each month 29’ "965 29”'969 Mean of lowest ., ,, 29”'599 29” .612 Range of barometer readings during the year 0” '7 98 O"'839 Greatest monthly range (for 1894 in Nov.)... O”'498 O” '541 Smallest ,, ,, . ,, ,, -,, Sept ) .. O”'287 O”'265 Mean daily range A ... O”‘366 O”'357 Mean temperature of air 82°‘5 82°‘7 Highest reading recorded of the max. thermo-

meter for 1894: on the 14th May - 95°‘5 97°‘2 Lowest reading recorded of the min. thermo-

meter for 1894 on the 30th December ... 645°"; 64°‘9 Yearly range of thermometer readings 31°'l 32°‘9 Greatest monthly range (for 18945 in January) 19°‘O 19°‘5 Smallest ,, ,, ( ,, ,, ,, Sept.)... 9° 8 9°‘7 Mean of Maximum readings 84°‘l 849'9 Mean of minimum readings ... 78°‘4 79°‘2 Mean daily range for the year 5°‘7 5°‘7 Greatest meandaily range (for 1894: in Jan 9°'1 9°‘3 Smallest ,. ,‘ ,, ,, ,, ,, Sept.) 40°43 4°‘3 Deduced yearly mean (from mean of max.

and min.) .. 81° 7 8203 Adopted mean temperature ... 82°‘1 82°‘5 Mean temperature of evaporation 7 5°‘7 75°‘7 Mean of wet minimum thermometer reading 71°“l 7 O°'O Mean temperature of dew-point 72° 70°C Mean elastic force of aqueous vapour .. O”'793 O”'77 5 Mean weight of vapour in a cubic foot of air

in grains 8‘4; 81 Mean additional weight required for satura-

tion in grains 3'4 3'6 Mean degree of humidity (saturation =1'OO) '71 '64 Mean weight of a cubic foot of air in grains. 504'5 5046 Highest reading of sun max. in vacuo (for 1894

on the lst September) 124° 8 127°'7 Lowest reading of sun max. in vacuo (for 1894:

on the 24th September) 91°‘O 99°‘4 Mean reading ... 108 '0 110°‘6