Page:Retaliation - Goldsmith (1774).pdf/32

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"He shifted his Trumpet and only took snuff," page the last, line the last] Sir Joshua Reynolds, on whom this observation was made, is so remarkably deaf as to be under the necessity of using an ear trumpet mostly in company; he is, at the same time, equally remarkable for using a great quantity of snuff; his manner in both of which, taken in the point of time described, must be allowed, by those who have been witnesses of such a scene, to be as happily given upon Paper, as that great Artist himself, perhaps, could exhibit upon Canvass.


A few copies only have been printed with the following errors, which the reader is requested to correct.

Page 8, line 5, for he's fit, read unfit.—line 9, for or in play, read or in place.
Page 10, line 13, for when read where,
Page 12, line 1, for Landers read Lauders.
Page 14, line 2, for berossiad read berosciad.
Page 15, line 5, for what was failing, read what was his failing.