Page:Revelations of St. Bridget, on the life and passion of Our Lord, and the life of His Blessed Mother (IA RevelationsOfStBridget).pdf/72

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created of thy blessed body, grow and move in thy womb till the time of his glorious nativity. Whom thou before all others didst touch with thy sacred hands, wrap up in clothes, and, according to the oracle of the prophet, didst lay in a manger, and didst maternally nurture him with the sacred milk of thy blessed breasts, in great joy of exultation.

Glory be to thee, O my Lady Virgin Mary, who, inhabiting a contemptible house, — a stable, — didst see powerful kings come from afar, to thy Son, humbly offering royal gifts with great reverence to thy Son. Whom afterwards thou didst present with thy precious hands in the Temple, and didst diligently lay up in thy blessed heart all things seen and heard in his infancy.

Blessed be thou, my Lady Virgin Mary, who didst fly to Egypt with thy most holy Son, whom thou didst afterwards bring with joy to Nazareth, and behold him, thy Son, as he increased bodily, humble and obedient to thee and Joseph.

Blessed be thou, my Lady Virgin Mary, who didst behold thy Son preaching, working miracles, and choosing his Apostles, who, enlightened by his example, miracles, and doc-