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Richard the Third, IV. iv

Rush all to pieces on thy rocky bosom.

K. Rich. Madam, so thrive I in my enterprise 236
And dangerous success of bloody wars,
As I intend more good to you and yours
Than ever you or yours by me were harm'd.

Q. Eliz. What good is cover'd with the face of heaven, 240
To be discover'd, that can do me good?

K. Rich. Th' advancement of your children, gentle lady.

Q. Eliz. Up to some scaffold, there to lose their heads?

K. Rich. Unto the dignity and height of fortune, 244
The high imperial type of this earth's glory.

Q. Eliz. Flatter my sorrow with report of it:
Tell me what state, what dignity, what honour,
Canst thou demise to any child of mine? 248

K. Rich. Even all I have; ay, and myself and all,
Will I withal endow a child of thine;
So in the Lethe of thy angry soul
Thou drown the sad remembrance of those wrongs 252
Which thou supposest I have done to thee.

Q. Eliz. Be brief, lest that the process of thy kindness
Last longer telling than thy kindness' date.

K. Rich. Then know, that from my soul I love thy daughter. 256

Q. Eliz. My daughter's mother thinks it with her soul.

K. Rich. What do you think?

Q. Eliz. That thou dost love my daughter from thy soul:

236–239 Cf. n.
237 success: result
245 type: emblem (crown)
248 demise: convey
251 Lethe: cf. n.
259 from: apart from