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Richard the Third, V. iii

Enter Ratcliff.

Rat. My lord! 208

K. Rich. ['Zounds!] Who's there?

Rat. Ratcliff, my lord; 'tis I. The early village cock
Hath twice done salutation to the morn;
Your friends are up, and buckle on their armour. 212

[K. Rich. O Ratcliff! I have dream'd a fearful dream.
What thinkest thou, will our friends prove all true?

Rat. No doubt, my lord.]

K. Rich. O Ratcliff! I fear, I fear,—

Rat. Nay, good my lord, be not afraid of shadows. 216

K. Rich. By the apostle Paul, shadows to-night
Have struck more terror to the soul of Richard
Than can the substance of ten thousand soldiers,
Armed in proof, and led by shallow Richmond. 220
'Tis not yet near day. Come, go with me;
Under our tents I'll play the eaves-dropper,
To hear if any mean to shrink from me.

Exeunt Richard and Ratcliff.

Enter the Lords [Oxford and Others] to Richmond sitting in his tent.

Lords. Good morrow, Richmond! 224

Richm. Cry mercy, lords, and watchful gentlemen,
That you have ta'en a tardy sluggard here.

Lords. How have you slept, my lord?

Richm. The sweetest sleep, and fairest-boding dreams 228
That ever enter'd in a drowsy head,
Have I since your departure had, my lords.

209 'Zounds: an oath, God's wounds
213–215 Cf. n.
220 proof: impenetrable armor
222 eaves-dropper; cf. n.
225 Cry mercy: I beg your pardon