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The Life and Death of

79 Of F: For

86 shalt F: shoulds't

88 That F: Which

106 better F: fitter

108 holp F: help'd

117 something F: somewhat

125 I might F: might I

127 rent F: rend

178 naked F: open

213 house F: place

235 my F: her

237 I no friends F: nothing I

243 Tewkesbury F: Tewsbury

252 halts F: halt

iii. 12 unto F: into

41 height F: highest

43 is it . . . complains F: are they . . . complain

47 look F: speak

58 grace F: person

68 thereby he may learn F: that thereby he may gather

77 I F: we

97 desert F: deserts

101 bachelor, and F: bachelor

115 avouch 't F: avouch

118 do remember F: remember

125 spent F: spilt

132 this F: now

147 sov'reign F: lawful

155 A F: As

200 our F: my

that F: which

204 death F: lose

231 heavy mother's F: mother's heavy

304 an F: on

321 yours, my gracious F: you my noble

333 Dorset F: Vaughan

336 villainy F: villany

iv. 3 fearful dream, of ugly sights F: ugly sights, of ghastly dreams

9 Methoughts F: Methought

13 there F: thence

21 O Lord, F: Lord, Lord!

35 these F: those

41 Who F: Which

46 sour F: grim