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The Life and Death of

sharing: 23 (I. iii. 159)

should soonest: 71 (III. iv. 9)

shrift: 74 (III. iv. 95)

shriving: 69 (III. ii. 114)

sign: 78 (III. v. 78)

signiory: 101 (IV. iv. 36)

sit: 63 (III. i. 173)

six Richmonds: 139 (V. iv. 11)

slave of nature: 25 (I. iii. 230)

slower: 11 (I. ii. 117)

slug: 58 (III. i. 22)

smoothing: 13 (I. ii. 169)

snow in harvest: 38 (I. iv. 252)

so: 108 (IV. iv. 210)

soft: 29 (I. iii. 339)

solace: 53 (II. iii. 30)

some: 59 (III. i. 64)

soothe: 28 (I. iii. 298)

sop: 35 (I. iv. 163)

sort: 51 (II. ii. 147); 53 (II. iii. 36); 137 (V. iii. 317)

spent: 68 (III. ii. 88)

spleen: 138 (V. iii. 351)

splinter'd: 50 (II. ii. 118)

spoil: 111 (IV. iv. 291)

spoil'd: 123 (V. ii. 8)

sportive: 1 (I. i. 14)

spurn at: 37 (I. iv. 207)

stall'd: 24 (I. iii. 206)

stands . . . upon: 95 (IV. ii. 58)

statues: 80 (III. vii. 25)

staves: 127 (V. iii. 65)

stay: 48 (II. ii. 74)

stay'd: 106 (IV. iv. 153)

still: 66 (III. ii. 52)

Stony-Stratford: 54 (II. iv. 1)

stopt in: 31 (I. iv. 38)

straight: 82 (III. vii. 69)

straitly: 4 (I. i. 85)

stroke of four: 65 (III. ii. 5)

suborn: 98 (IV. iii. 4)

success: 109 (IV. iv. 237)

successively: 84 (III. vii. 134)

sudden: 29 (lI. iii. 346)

suddenly: 117 (IV. iv. 452)

suggestion: 68 (III. ii. 100)

sullen: 92 (IV. i. 101)

sure: 67 (III. ii. 83)

surfeit: 24 (I. iii. 197)

suspects: 20 (I. iii. 89)

swear: 134 (V. iii. 256)

swelling: 42 (II. i. 51)

tall: 35 (I. iv. 157)

tear-falling: 95 (IV. ii. 65)

teen: 92 (IV. i. 96)

tell: 135 (V. iii. 277)

tells: 34 (I. iv. 122)

tempers: 3 (I. i. 65)

tempest: 120 (IV. iv. 522)

tender: 115 (IV. iv. 406)

tendering: 3 (I. i. 44)

testy: 72 (III. iv. 37)

tetchy: 106 (IV. iv. 169)

that: 13 (I. ii. 163)

the time: 128 (V. iii. 93)

there is no more but so: 96 (IV. ii. 79)

this: 3 (I. i. 62)

thraldom: 39 (I. iv. 258)

thrall: 91 (IV. i. 45)

timeless: 11 (I. ii. 118)

to: 48 (II. ii. 67); 65 (III. ii. 27)

to the death: 66 (III. ii. 55)

touch: 10 (I. ii. 71)

toy: 61 (III. i. 114)

toys: 3 (I. i. 60)

tract: 125 (V. iii. 20)

troubled: 128 (V. iii. 105)

troublous: 52 (II. iii. 9)

Turks: 76 (III. v. 40)

type: 109 (IV. iv. 245)

unblown: 100 (IV. iv. 10)

unfashionable: 2 (I. i. 22)

unfelt imaginations: 33 (I. iv. 80)