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The Life and Death of

Anne. Thou wast the cause, and most accurs'd effect.

Rich. Your beauty was the cause of that effect;
Your beauty, that did haunt me in my sleep
To undertake the death of all the world, 124
So I might live one hour in your sweet bosom.

Anne. If I thought that, I tell thee, homicide,
These nails should rent that beauty from my cheeks.

Rich. These eyes could not endure that beauty's wrack; 128
You should not blemish it if I stood by:
As all the world is cheered by the sun,
So I by that; it is my day, my life.

Anne. Black night o'ershade thy day, and death thy life! 132

Rich. Curse not thyself, fair creature; thou art both.

Anne. I would I were, to be reveng'd on thee.

Rich. 1t is a quarrel most unnatural,
To be reveng'd on him that loveth thee. 136

Anne. It is a quarrel just and reasonable,
To be reveng'd on him that kill'd my husband.

Rich. He that bereft thee, lady, of thy husband,
Did it to help thee to a better husband. 140

Anne. His better doth not breathe upon the earth.

Rich. He lives that loves thee better than he could.

Anne. Name him.

Rich. Plantagenet.

Anne. Why, that was he.

Rich. The self-same name, but one of better nature. 144

Anne. Where is he?

Rich. Here. [She] spits at him.
Why dost thou spit at me?

Anne. Would it were mortal poison, for thy sake!

121 effect: agent. In the next line 'effect' has its usual meaning
127 rent: rend
128 wrack: destruction, ruin