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The Life and Death of

Rich. I cannot tell; the world is grown so bad
That wrens make prey where eagles dare not perch:
Since every Jack became a gentleman 72
There's many a gentle person made a Jack.

Q. Eliz. Come, come, we know your meaning, brother Gloucester;
You envy my advancement and my friends'.
God grant we never may have need of you! 76

Rich. Meantime, God grants that I have need of you:
Our brother is imprison'd by your means,
Myself disgrac'd, and the nobility
Held in contempt; while great promotions 80
Are daily given to ennoble those
That scarce, some two days since, were worth a noble.

Q. Eliz. By him that rais'd me to this careful height
From that contented hap which I enjoy'd, 84
I never did incense his majesty
Against the Duke of Clarence, but have been
An earnest advocate to plead for him.
My lord, you do me shameful injury, 88
Falsely to draw me in these vile suspects.

Rich. You may deny that you were not the mean
Of my Lord Hastings' late imprisonment.

Riv. She may, my lord; for— 92

Rich. She may, Lord Rivers! why, who knows not so?
She may do more, sir, than denying that:
She may help you to many fair preferments,
And then deny her aiding hand therein, 96
And lay those honours on your high desert.

71 make prey: prey
77 have need of you: am in trouble because of you
82 noble: a coin, with quibble on the usual meaning
83 careful: full of cares
89 suspects: suspicions
90 mean: agent
95 preferments: promotions