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Richard the Third, II. i

Even in his garments; and did give himself,
All thin and naked, to the numb cold night?
All this from my remembrance brutish wrath
Sinfully pluck'd, and not a man of you 120
Had so much grace to put it in my mind.
But when your carters or your waiting-vassals
Have done a drunken slaughter, and defac'd
The precious image of our dear Redeemer, 124
You straight are on your knees for pardon, pardon;
And I, unjustly too, must grant it you;
But for my brother not a man would speak,
Nor I, ungracious, speak unto myself 128
For him, poor soul. The proudest of you all
Have been beholding to him in his life,
Yet none of you would once beg for his life.
O God! I fear, thy justice will take hold 132
On me and you and mine and yours for this.
Come, Hastings, help me to my closet. Ah, poor Clarence!

Exeunt some with King and Queen [Hastings, Rivers, Dorset, and Grey].

Rich. This is the fruits of rashness. Mark'd you not How that the guilty kindred of the queen 136
Look'd pale when they did hear of Clarence' death?
O! they did urge it still unto the king:
God will revenge it. Come, lords; will you go
To comfort Edward with our company? 140

Buck. We wait upon your Grace. Exeunt.

130 beholding: under obligation