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The Life and Death of

Enter [the] Lord Mayor [and his Train].

L. May. God bless your Grace with health and happy days!

Prince. I thank you, good my lord; and thank you all.
I thought my mother and my brother York 20
Would long ere this have met us on the way:
Fie! what a slug is Hastings, that he comes not
To tell us whether they will come or no.

Enter Lord Hastings.

Buck. And in good time here comes the sweating lord. 24

Prince. Welcome, my lord. What, will our mother come?

Hast. On what occasion, God he knows, not I,
The queen your mother, and your brother York,
Have taken sanctuary: the tender prince 28
Would fain have come with me to meet your Grace,
But by his mother was perforce withheld.

Buck. Fie! what an indirect and peevish course
Is this of hers! Lord Cardinal, will your Grace 32
Persuade the queen to send the Duke of York
Unto his princely brother presently?
If she deny, Lord Hastings, go with him,
And from her jealous arms pluck him perforce. 36

Card. My Lord of Buckingham, if my weak oratory
Can from his mother win the Duke of York,
Anon expect him here; but if she be obdurate
To mild entreaties, God [in heaven] forbid 40
We should infringe the holy privilege
Of blessed sanctuary! not for all this land

17 S. d. Cf. n.
22 slug: sluggard
30 perforce: by force
36 pluck him; cf. n.
39 Anon: soon
40, 41 God . . . infringe; cf. n.