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Richard the Third, III. i

Bold, quick, ingenious, forward, capable:
He's all the mother's, from the top to toe. 156

Buck. Well, let them rest. Come hither, Catesby; thou art sworn
As deeply to effect what we intend
As closely to conceal what we impart.
Thou know'st our reasons urg'd upon the way. 160
What think'st thou? is it not an easy matter
To make William Lord Hastings of our mind,
For the instalment of this noble duke
In the seat royal of this famous isle? 164

Cate. He for his father's sake so loves the prince
That he will not be won to aught against him.

Buck. What think'st thou, then, of Stanley? will not he?

Cate. He will do all in all as Hastings doth. 168

Buck. Well then, no more but this: go, gentle Catesby,
And, as it were far off, sound thou Lord Hastings,
How he doth stand affected to our purpose;
And summon him to-morrow to the Tower, 172
To sit about the coronation.
If thou dost find him tractable to us,
Encourage him, and tell him all our reasons:
If he be leaden, icy-cold, unwilling, 176
Be thou so too, and so break off the talk,
And give us notice of his inclination;
For we to-morrow hold divided councils,
Wherein thyself shalt highly be employ'd. 180

Rich. Commend me to Lord William: tell him, Catesby,
His ancient knot of dangerous adversaries

155 forward: precocious
capable: intelligent
164 seat royal: royal throne
170 far off: indirectly; cf. n.
173 sit: confer
182 knot: group