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The Life and Death of

Scene Seven

[The Same. The Court of Baynard's Castle]

Enter Richard and Buckingham at several doors.

Rich. How now, how now! what say the citizens?

Buck. Now, by the holy mother of our Lord,
The citizens are mum, say not a word.

Rich. Touch'd you the bastardy of Edward's children? 4

Buck. I did; with his contract with Lady Lucy,
And his contract by deputy in France;
Th' unsatiate greediness of his desire,
And his enforcement of the city wives; 8
His tyranny for trifles; his own bastardy,
As being got, your father then in France,
And his resemblance being not like the duke:
Withal I did infer your lineaments, 12
Being the right idea of your father,
Both in your form and nobleness of mind;
Laid open all your victories in Scotland,
Your discipline in war, wisdom in peace, 16
Your bounty, virtue, fair humility;
Indeed, left nothing fitting for your purpose
Untouch'd or slightly handled in discourse;
And when my oratory drew toward end, 20
I bid them that did love their country's good
Cry 'God save Richard, England's royal king!'

Rich. And did they so?

Buck. No, so God help me, they spake not a word; 24
But, like dumb statues or breathing stones,

5 Lady Lucy; cf. n.
6 contract by deputy; cf. n.
11 resemblance: appearance
13 right idea: exact image
15 victories; cf. n.
25 statues: a trisyllable here; cf. n.