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King Richard the Second, V. ii

'Tis nothing but some bond he's enter'd into
For gay apparel 'gainst the triumph day.

York. Bound to himself? what doth he with a bond
That he is bound to? Wife, thou art a fool. 68
Boy, let me see the writing.

Aum. I do beseech you, pardon me; I may not show it.

York. I will be satisfied; let me see it, I say.
He plucks it out of his bosom and reads it.
Treason! foul treason! villain! traitor! slave! 72

Duch. What is the matter, my lord?

York. Ho! who is within there?

[Enter a Servant.]

Saddle my horse.
God for his mercy! what treachery is here!

Duch. Why, what is it, my lord? 76

York. Give me my boots, I say; saddle my horse.
Now, by mine honour, by my life, my troth,
I will appeach the villain. [Exit Servant.]

Duch. What's the matter?

York. Peace, foolish woman. 80

Duch. I will not peace. What is the matter, Aumerle?

Aum. Good mother, be content; it is no more
Than my poor life must answer.

Duch. Thy life answer!

York. Bring me my boots: I will unto the king. 84

Enter Servant with boots.

Duch. Strike him, Aumerle. Poor boy, thou art amaz'd.

65 bond: agreement
74 Cf. n.
79 appeach: inform against
81 peace: be silent
82 content: tranquil
83 answer: atone for
85 amaz'd: dazed