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The Life and Death of

Which for things true weeps things imaginary.

Queen. It may be so; but yet my inward soul 28
Persuades me it is otherwise: howe'er it be,
I cannot but be sad, so heavy sad,
As, though in thinking on no thought I think,
Makes me with heavy nothing faint and shrink. 32

Bushy. 'Tis nothing but conceit, my gracious lady.

Queen. 'Tis nothing less: conceit is still deriv'd
From some forefather grief; mine is not so,
For nothing hath begot my something grief; 36
Or something hath the nothing that I grieve:
'Tis in reversion that I do possess;
But what it is, that is not yet known; what
I cannot name; 'tis nameless woe, I wot. 40

Enter Green.

Green. God save your majesty! and well met, gentlemen:
I hope the king is not yet shipp'd for Ireland.

Queen. Why hop'st thou so? 'tis better hope he is,
For his designs crave haste, his haste good hope: 44
Then wherefore dost thou hope he is not shipp'd?

Green. That he, our hope, might have retir'd his power,
And driven into despair an enemy's hope,
Who strongly hath set footing in this land: 48
The banish'd Bolingbroke repeals himself,
And with uplifted arms is safe arriv'd
At Ravenspurgh.

Queen. Now God in heaven forbid!

30–32 Cf. n.
33 conceit: fancy
34 nothing less: that least of all
still: always
37 Cf. n.
38 reversion; cf. n.
40 wot: know
46 retir'd: drawn back
power: troops
49 repeals: recalls from exile