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The Life and Death of

As from my death-bed, thy last living leave.
In winter's tedious nights sit by the fire 40
With good old folks, and let them tell thee tales
Of woeful ages, long ago betid;
And ere thou bid good night, to quite their griefs,
Tell thou the lamentable tale of me, 44
And send the hearers weeping to their beds:
For why the senseless brands will sympathize
The heavy accent of thy moving tongue,
And in compassion weep the fire out; 48
And some will mourn in ashes, some coal-black,
For the deposing of a rightful king.

Enter Northumberland.

North. My lord, the mind of Bolingbroke is chang'd;
You must to Pomfret, not unto the Tower. 52
And, madam, there is order ta'en for you;
With all swift speed you must away to France.

K. Rich. Northumberland, thou ladder wherewithal
The mounting Bolingbroke ascends my throne, 56
The time shall not be many hours of age
More than it is, ere foul sin gathering head
Shall break into corruption. Thou shalt think,
Though he divide the realm and give thee half, 60
It is too little, helping him to all;
And he shall think that thou, which know'st the way
To plant unrightful kings, wilt know again,
Being ne'er so little urg'd, another way 64
To pluck him headlong from the usurped throne.
The love of wicked friends converts to fear;
That fear to hate, and hate turns one or both

42 betid: befallen
43 quite: reward
46 For why: because
sympathize: have a fellow feeling for
52 Pomfret; cf. n.
53 order ta'en: arrangements made
58 gathering head: i.e., like a boil
66 converts: turns