Page:Richard Marsh--The goddess a demon.djvu/115

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The Revelations of "Mr. Withers"

that he'd discount them, not for a moment! I thought it was a game he was going to play off on his brother—some sort of joke."

"Keen sense of humour yours, Mr. Moore,"

"That's where he had me; he must have gone straight off and cashed the bills. Then his brother found it out, and then he came to me and threatened to tell his brother that it was I who'd done it."

"And then you went to your sister and asked her, probably on your bended knees, to save you from exposure."

"There was no bended knees about it; you're very much mistaken if you think there was. I'm not that kind. But I—I certainly mentioned to her something about it—she's my own flesh and blood."

"Being your own flesh and blood she, possibly, offered to do her best to square it for you."

"That's the mistake she made. She talked about giving him a hundred or two, as though that would be of any use. I said to her that if she'd give the money to me I could go abroad and start afresh, and it might be the making of me. But she never would take my advice, never!"

"So your sister, a young, unprotected girl, at your urgent solicitation, went alone to this man at that hour of the night, at the risk of—a good