Page:Richard Marsh--The goddess a demon.djvu/122

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The Goddess

orders are to admit no one without instructions. What's your name and your business?"

"Let me pass!"

Putting out her arm, touching him on the chest, she waved him aside with an imperious gesture, as if she were a sovereign queen. In an instant she was through the door. I was on him directly she had passed from sight.

"You idiot! Why did you let her enter?"

The man seemed bewildered.

"Let her! There wasn't much letting about it. For a lady she's about as cool a hand as ever I saw."

He perceived that my intention was to follow.

"Now then, none of that! You can't go in there! Don't you hear me say it?"

"You ass!"

I must have taken him by the shoulders more vigorously than I intended; he went spinning down the passage until the wall brought him to a standstill. Then I went after Miss Moore into the dead man's room, Miss Adair and Hume hard upon my heels.