Page:Richard Marsh--The goddess a demon.djvu/136

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And we—we five men—remained for a moment or two, in silence, looking on. In our breasts, I imagine, were widely different emotions. Surprise, and something else, was, apparently, the dominant feeling of Inspector Symonds and his colleague. They exchanged a few whispered words. Then the Inspector made a movement towards Miss Moore, with something in his mien I did not like. I placed myself in front of him.

"Well, sir," I inquired, "what do you want?"

He looked at me askance; then turned towards the policeman who had been placed in the passage to guard the outer door.

"What is the meaning of these people being here? I thought I told you to admit no one. Is this the way you obey orders?"

The policeman was apologetic.

"Well, sir, that young lady was through before I knew what she was up to. Then this gentleman sent me flying down the passage, and