Page:Richard Marsh--The goddess a demon.djvu/181

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My Persuasive Manner

send you my keys. Look, you know where, and send me all the money you can find; and my cheque-book, and my dressing-case, and two or three trunks full of clothes. As you know, I took nothing away with me except what I stood up in. I don't know when I shall be able to send, but it will be as soon as I possibly can. Have everything ready, for when I do send I shan't want my messenger to be kept waiting. And keep a sharp look-out; it may be in the middle of the night

"Philip Lawrence.
"Tell any one who asks that I shall be home in about a week; and that you've instructions to send all letters on. I don't want people to think that you're not in communication with me, or that everything's not all right. And you're not to listen to any tales which you may hear; and you're not to worry, or people will notice it. You understand?"

The eyes of the two old people did not leave my face while I was reading. So soon as I lowered the paper Mr. Morley faltered out his question.

"Well, sir, what—what do you think of it?"

"That it's a curious epistle. Who brought it?"

"That's more than I can say. There was a knock at the door, and I saw that in the letter-